Fremontodendron californicum Coville식물/들꽃-물밤나무과(Bombacaceae) 2022. 12. 10. 09:02
과명 Bombacaceae (물밤나무과) 속명 Fremontodendron (프레몬토덴드론속) 전체학명 [정명] Fremontodendron californicum (Torr.) Coville 추천명 프레몬토덴드론 칼리포르니쿰 이명 외국명 추천명변경: 칼리포르니쿰프레몬토덴드론 -> 프레몬토덴드론 칼리포르니쿰
Fremontodendron californicum, with the common names California flannelbush, California fremontia, and flannel bush, is a flowering shrub native to diverse habitats in southwestern North America.
Fremontodendron californicum is found in numerous habitats across California at elevations of 1,300–6,500 feet (400–1,980 m), especially California chaparral and woodlands, Yellow Pine Forests, and Pinyon-juniper woodlands along the eastern San Joaquin Valley. It is found along the eastern San Joaquin Valley in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada in chalky, sandy, nutritionally poor soils; on the east slope Cascade Range foothills of the northwest Sacramento Valley and the Klamath Mountains to the west; the California Coast Ranges throughout the state; the Transverse Ranges, and the Peninsular Ranges.
It is also found in small, isolated populations in the mountains of central and western Arizona, in the Arizona transition zone-Mogollon Rim region, primarily in the Mazatzal Mountains and Superstition Mountains. It is also found from central to northern Baja California state, in isolated chaparral locales in the Peninsular Ranges.
The plant is a flowering evergreen hardwood shrub or small multi-trunked tree, growing from 8–18 feet (2.4–5.5 m) in height and 6–10 feet (1.8–3.0 m) in width.
The 1–5 centimetres (0.39–1.97 in) leaves are olive to gray−green, fuzzy and flannel-like, palmately to pinnately lobed. The hairs covering the leaves are easily brushed off in human contact, and can be a skin and eye irritant.
The large flowers are 3.5–6.0 centimetres (1.4–2.4 in) in diameter, a rich yellow, sometimes with orange, coppery, or reddish margins. They blossoms are borne in great showy masses, and tend to bloom one at a time. Each petal has an attractive, curved shape that comes to a point.
Fremontodendron californicum - Wikipedia
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