Castilleja scorzonerifolia Kunth식물/들꽃-열당과(Orobanchaceae) 2022. 11. 3. 07:48
국표에는 없다.
Castilleja scorzonerifoliais a species of plant in the Scrofulariaceae family.
It is an herb with erect stems reaching a size of 25 to 50 cm in height covered with rough and sharp hairs. The leaves are elongated like spoonbills, they are numerous and their flowers are grouped in spikes, they are intense orange with green and showy. The fruits are capsules that when dry open; The seeds are elongated and brown in color.
Native to Mexico, it lives in warm, semi-warm, semi-dry and temperate climates between 1000 and 2400 meters above sea level, associated with temporary farmland, tropical deciduous and sub-deciduous forests, xerophytic scrub, thorny forest, mountain mesophilic forest; Oak,pine and mixed pine-oak forests.
This species is usually used against coughs in Tlaxcalaand in the State of Mexico, it is recommended to take the infusion of the flowers.
On the other hand, in Michoacán the cooking of this herb is used to cure stomach pain and bile. In Pueblait is occupied to wash the wounds and in Guanajuato the infusion of the flower is taken, to heal the heart.
In addition, it is used to treat "lack of digestion" (dyspepsia), scorpionstings and to lose weight.
scorzonerifolia: Latin epithet meaning "with narrow leaves"
Castilleja scorzonerifolia - Wikipedia
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