폴리스티쿰 무니툼-Polystichum munitum (Kaulf.) C.Presl식물/들꽃-관중과(Dryopteridaceae) 2022. 11. 1. 19:56
과명 Dryopteridaceae (관중과) 속명 Polystichum (십자고사리속) 전체학명 [정명] Polystichum munitum (Kaulf.) C.Presl 추천명 폴리스티쿰 무니툼 이명 외국명 Fern Giant holly,Fern Imbricate sword,Fern Western sword,Western sword,Western sword fern,common sword fern 추천명변경: 무니툼히초미 -> 폴리스티쿰 무니툼 Polystichum munitum, the western swordfern, is an evergreen perennial fern native to western North America, where it is one of the most abundant ferns in forested areas. It occurs along the Pacific coast from southeastern Alaska to southern California, and also inland east to southeastern British Columbia, northern Idaho and western Montana, with disjunctive populations in northern British Columbia, Canada; the Black Hills in South Dakota, United States; and Guadalupe Island off of Baja California, Mexico. Western swordfern is known to have locally naturalized in parts of Great Britain and Ireland.
The dark green fronds of this fern grow 50 to 180 centimetres (1.6 to 5.9 ft) tall, in a tight clump spreading out radially from a round base. They are single-pinnate, with the pinnae alternating on the stalk. Each pinna is 1 to 15 centimetres (0.39 to 5.91 in) long, with a small upward-pointing lobe (a sword hilt, hence the name) at the base, and the edges are serrated with bristly tips. Individual fronds live for 1.5 to 2.5 years and remain attached to the rhizome after withering. The round sori occupy two rows on either side of the midrib of each pinna and are covered by a centrally-attached, umbrella-like indusium with fringed edges. They produce light yellow spores. In deep shade, fronds spread nearly horizontally but with increasing sun exposure grow more upright.
Polystichum munitum - Wikipedia
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