Montinia caryophyllacea Thunb.식물/들꽃-몬티아과( Montiaceae) 2022. 11. 1. 13:58
국표에 없다.
A twiggy shrub, 1–2(?4) m. high, almost glabrous (except for the leaf-axils and the base of the midribs).
- Provided by: [B].Flora Zambesiaca - descriptions
Male flowers ± numerous in corymbs 4–7 cm. long, erect; pedicels up to 1 cm. long, bracteate; bracts subulate; calyx-tube expanded, c. 3 mm. in diameter with (?3)4(?5) triangular, very short, calyx-lobes; petals (?3)4(?5), 3–5 mm. long, broadly ovate, with a broad crescent-shaped base, white; disk flat, subcircular, c. 2–5 mm. in diameter; stamens (?3)4(?5), with anthers broadly oblong c. 1·2 mm. long and filaments c. 1·5 mm. long.
- Provided by: [B].Flora Zambesiaca - descriptions
Leaves entire, 1·5–7·0 x (0·5)1–2·5 cm., linear to ovate or elliptic, apex obtuse, base cuneate narrowing into a petiole up to 1 cm. long which is dilated at the very base into an accrescent cushion which persists long after the fall of the leaf, becoming ivory-coloured.
- Provided by: [B].Flora Zambesiaca - descriptions
Inflorescences terminal or subterminal.
- Provided by: [B].Flora Zambesiaca - descriptions
Capsule 1·5–2·0 xl cm., ellipsoid, smooth, crowned by the persistent calyx-lobes, disk and style, loculicidally dehiscent from the apex; 2-valved, the valves cartilagineous.
- Provided by: [B].Flora Zambesiaca - descriptions
Female flowers solitary or in groups of 2(3), erect; calyx-tube c. 7 mm. long, fusiform; calyx-lobes, petals and disk as in the male; staminodes fleshy, very short; placentas 2, axile, elliptic, compressed and fused with the septum which in fruit becomes free from the walls of the capsule, hanging from its top; each placenta with up to 12 ovules in 2 longitudinal series; styles c. I mm. long, thick, 2-branched from the middle, each branch with a broad, subreniform stigma c. 1 mm. wide.
- Provided by: [B].Flora Zambesiaca - descriptions
Seeds compressed, c. 10 x 8 mm. including the ± elliptic, broad papery wing which is auriculate at the attachment point; seeds disposed on each placenta along 2 rows like the tiles of a roof.
- Provided by: [B].Flora Zambesiaca - descriptions
Montinia caryophyllacea Thunb. (worldfloraonline.org)
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