  • Euphorbia confinalis R.A.Dyer
    식물/들꽃-대극과(Euphorbiaceae) 2022. 10. 27. 10:27

    국표에는 없다.


    Origin and Habitat: South Africa (Lebombo Mountains form the eastern boundary of the Kruger National Park, from as far north as Shingwedzi) also Swaziland, well into northern KwaZulu-Natal, southern Mozambique, Limpopo Province and south-eastern Zimbabwe.
    Altitude: It occurs at low altitudes, the average altitude varies between 300 and 400 metres above sea level.
    Habitat: It grows widespread in deciduous woodland in a mountainous area with many of the large west-east rivers forming deep gorges, usually on volcanic rhyolite outcrops on rocky slopes and ridges, sometimes in riverine vegetation on deep alluvial soil or in savanna. The rainfall increases southwards from 400 mm in the north, to 700 mm on the south.

    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: Lebombo Euphorbia
    AFRIKAANS (Afrikaans): Lebombo-naboom, Lebombonaboom
    SHONA (ChiShona): Chikondekonde, Urudu, Urundu
    SWAZI: unHlonhlo


    Description: Euphorbia confinalis is an elegant, spiny, succulent-tree. The epithet “confinalis”(Latin: confine/is = on the border) in the species' name refers to the fact that its distribution, broadly coincides with the border between South Africa and neighbouring countries.
    Habit:It is a slender, single-stemmed, leafless candelabra-shaped tree, often with secondary stems along main trunk; with a round canopy of upward-growing branches, 3-10 m tall.
    Stems: Trunk single erect but sometimes branched, each large branch with a crown of curved, ascending individual branches forming many side, branchlets originating at the same level. Branchlets usually with 4 wings (sometimes 3-5), 60-70 mm in diameter, pale green to blue-green, usually constricted into long rectangular segments with parallel sides.
    Spine shields: Conspicuous, horny and usually separate along each ridge.
    Spines: Simple, paired, slender, 5-7 mm long.
    Flowers: Small and pale yellow, just above the spines on the ridges; in groups of 3, the middle one male and the other 2 bisexual.
    Blooming season: Late autumn to winter (May-Aug).
    Fruit: 3-chambered capsule, round 8-10 mm in diameter on a long stalk, ripening to wine-red and splitting open when mature (July-Oct).
    Similar species: Euphorbia zoutpansbergensis is a more graceful plant with branches 6-angled and much more slender (20-35 mm in diameter) and is endemic to the Soutopansberg region. Euphorbia sekukuniensis from the Steelpoort River Valley and adjacent areas, has 4- or 5- angled, slightly constricted branches which are even more slender (15-20 mm in diameter), with a continuous horny strip along each margin. Euphorbia confinalis is also easily confused with Euphorbia triangularis; the latter appearing less robust and more winged.

    Euphorbia confinalis (llifle.com)



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