Conophytum maughanii N.E.Br.-코노피툼 마우가니식물/들꽃-번행초과(Aizoaceae) 2022. 10. 20. 14:09
국표에는 없다.
Origin and Habitat: Northern cape, south africa. Altitude 950 - 1200 m.
- Conophytum maughanii N.E.Br.
- Ophthalmophyllum maughanii (N.E.Br.) Schwantes ex H.Jacobsen
- Ophthalmophyllum schuldtii Schwantes ex H.Jacobsen
See all synonyms of Conophytum maughaniiDescription: It is a soil-embedded, subterranean species with windowed leaves that usually has only one body or rarely forms small group with few heads.
Stem: Stemless(internodes invisible).
Body (paired leaves): Very fat, soft, jelly-like about 20 mm wide and 10-15 mm tall, broader than tall, compressed cylindrical, seen from the side oblong or squarely shaped of a yellowish-green to pale orange colour with very pale, yellowish-green windows turning purple-red in the summer. In the spring, the skin begins to thin and loses colour, until finally, when the hot, dry days of summer arrive they go dormant they seemingly retreat into a dry, papery cocoon spun from their own skins. In Africa, these shield allow them to endure harsh summer conditions until the autumn growing season when they bloom again. The leaves are almost completely fused along their centre. Each leaf pair (together referred to as a body) is “bilobbed”, each stem has only one pair of leaves at a time. A plant may have one to several leaf pairs.
Flowers: Nocturnal, strongly-scented, pink to white broad-petalled.
Fruit: The fruit is a capsule.Conophytum maughanii (llifle.com)
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