
  • Crassula tomentosa Thunb.
    식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2022. 4. 30. 11:53

    국표에는 없다.

    Origin and Habitat: Southern Namibia and Republic of South Africa (Northern Cape, Western Cape).

    Habitat and ecology: Succulent and Nama Karoo. This species grows on stony slopes together with other succulent species such as, Euphorbia mauritanica, Pelargonium crithmifolium, Othonna cylindrica, Tylecodon paniculatus, Crassula muscosa, Conophytum bilobum, Ornithogalum multifolium, and Sarcostemma viminale.


    Common Names include:
    ENGLISH: woolly crassula

    Description: Crassula tomentosa, or woolly crassula, is a perennials or biennials succulent with one to few, rarely many rosettes, compact rosettes of greyish green leaves to 60 cm tall (including the inflorescence). Everywhere is densely clothed with rigid, reflexed bristly-hairs. It is monocarpic that is to say that its individual rosettes flower only once in their life, set seeds and then die. Crassula tomentosa is a very variable species (especially in hairiness and size and shape of leaves) with many slightly different forms.
    Rosettes: Solitary or proliferating from the base to form small groups with with leaf pairs spirally arranged but often apparently two-ranked when young and with old leaves remaining attached to stems.
    Leaves: Radical leaves 2-10 cm long, 1-3.5 cm broad, flattened, very variable in shape, broadly oblong, oblanceolate, obovate or orbicular, often 2-ranked and in a dense basal rosette, grey-green to green, glabrous, tomentose to rugose and with marginal cilia, tip rounded, truncate or acute; the cauline narrow-oblong, all densely hirsuto-setose and ciliate.
    Root: Fibrous, somewhat woody.
    Inflorescence: Terminal branched spike-like thyrses. Stem erect, robust, tapering upwards, to 10-60 cm tall simple, robust, densely leafy at base, with distant leaf-pairs above, the upper leaves diminishing to bracts or abortive. Flowers spreading in sessile decussate, densely clustered dichasia (flower clusters) at the nodes, lower dichasia pedunculate, forming a long interrupted spiked-thyrsus or spike. Peduncle covered with leaf-like bracts becoming smaller upwards.
    Flowers: Sepals 2,5-3 mm long, linear, obtuse, stiffly hairy and ciliate, round-backed, fleshy, green. Corolla tubular, fused basally for 1-1,5 mm, white to yellowhis. Petals 2,5-4.5 mm long, oblong-panduriform, fused in the lower parts, gradually tapering into a channelled apex, tips spreading slightly recurved. Stamens with black anthers. Stigma subsessile. Squamae (nectary scales) oblong to square or rarely transversely oblong, 0,3-1,2 mm long, 0,2-l mm broad, truncate and more or less constricted downwards, scarcely fleshy, yellow.
    Blooming season: Crassula tomentosa flowers early to mid-summer.

    Crassula tomentosa (llifle.com)




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