Graptopetalum pachyphylllum Rose식물/들꽃-돌나물과(Crassulaceae) 2022. 4. 27. 10:11
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Graptopetalum pachyphyllum Rose clusters.
You will receive one plant similar to the one shown in the picture. The sharp and color might be slightly different.Real Plants Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum Rose Clusters | Etsy South Korea
Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum is one of the most popular succulents in the world. The name graptopetalum loosely means leaves arranged like scrolled sheets. The plant’s leaves are lush, thick, and fleshy. If subjected to the right stressors, the leaves can turn to different shades of color, giving your garden an even more beautiful appearance. Possible shades include blue-grey brownish-purple with white speckles.
The pale coloration that often characterizes the plant has caused some people to refer to it as the ‘Ghost Flower Succulent,’ one of its common names.
Further, this plant produces equally fleshy flowers that are roundish in shape. The flowers have either purple or lavender petals. The flowers are bell-shaped, and each of them has five petals that appear like stars at the center. It blooms in spring; it is beautiful through and through.
This beautiful plant is a native of the Central Mexican Mountains such as Zacatecas, Quretaro, San Luis Potosi, Hildago and Jalisco. Naturally, the Bluebean is adapted for environments similar to these mountains.
Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum 'Bluebean' | Succulent City
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