lophophora williamsii
오우옥선인장-[정명] Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) J.M.Coult.식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2024. 10. 24. 21:28
앵글러Cactaceae (선인장과)Lophophora (로포포라속)[정명] Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) J.M.Coult. 추천명오우옥선인장 영문명Cactus Dumpling; Peyote Origin and Habitat: Grows in an area that stretches from from the Chihuahuan Desert to the South Texas Plains, on either side of the middle and lower Rio Grande River, southward to the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Tama..
오우옥선인장-Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) J.M.Coult.-lophophora williamsii-페요태선인장식물/들꽃-선인장과(Cactaceae) 2022. 10. 19. 12:59
과명Cactaceae (선인장과)속명Lophophora (로포포라속)전체학명[정명] Lophophora williamsii (Lem. ex Salm-Dyck) J.M.Coult.추천명오우옥선인장이명 외국명Cactus Dumpling; Peyote DescriptionSmall, hemispherical, spineless, fleshy cactus with the low rounded sections bearing a tuft of yellow-white hairs at the summit. Naturally grows in gravelly clay and loam soils on gentle slopes and needs part shade. It is illegal in most of the west..