
Cheiridopsis excavata L. Bolus

rkfelsh 2024. 10. 12. 18:21

국표에 없다.

Origin and Habitat: Northern Richtersveld (Lekkersing, Gamoep), Bushmanland, Northern Cape, South Africa.
Habitat and ecology: Ihlenfeldtia excavataSN|14776]]SN|14776]] occurs in the area between winter and summer rainfall, as does its presumable next relatives (i.e., Tanquana and Vanheerdea). Rain c. 125 mm per annum. This species is usually found in quartz gravel patches formed by a loose lag of very small, brilliant white to clear-quartz pebbles overlying a thin veneer of soil on the underlying bedrock. Ihlenfeldtia excavataSN|14776]]SN|14776]] grows in association with obligate quartz-field succulent such as: Conophytum angelicaeSN|21981]]SN|22603]], Ruschia inclusa, Fockea comaruSN|28006]]SN|28006]], Hoodia alstoniiSN|25794]]SN|25794]], Adromischus nanusSN|15199]]SN|15199]], Crassula deceptorSN|27547]]SN|12127]], Avonia ruschii, Crassula namaquensisSN|12127]]SN|27547]], Conophytum maughaniiSN|22668]]SN|22606]], Hereroa puttkamerianaSN|15266]]SN|15266]], Anacampseros karasmontana, Avonia quinariaSN|25184]]SN|25184]] subsp. alstonii, Avonia papyracea, Sarcostemma pearsonii, and many other. Ihlenfeldtia excavataSN|14776]]SN|14776]] is also found on calcrete outcrops together with Conophytum pubescensSN|22606]]SN|22668]], Conophytum calculusSN|22603]]SN|21981]] subsp. vanzylii, Titanopsis hugo-schlecterii and other calcrete-lovers. Heavy livestock grazing reduces the number of flowers per individual plant. The population trend is stable.

Description: Ihlenfeldtia excavataSN|14776]]SN|14776]] is a compact succulent plant with few to up to 120 short branches, each with one (or two) pair of wedge-shaped leaves, keeled and laterally compressed, papillate and greyish, sometime growing sunken in the ground. The big white, buttercup-yellow or pink flowers are gorgeous. Populations differ in flower colours and expression of teeth on the keel. This species was included in Cheiridopsis until its removal from that genus (Hartmann 1988), separation was based on fruit characters.
Derivation of specific name: Latin “excavata”, hollowed, excavate; for the upper face of the leaves, which is concave near the leaf tip.
Leaves: Thick, mucronate, often with stout teeth on the excavated keel.
Flowers: Large, daisy-like, white, buttercup-yellow or pink in various shades, as for genus.
Fruits (capsules): 10-15-chambered, with a funnel-shaped base, bracteoles at base of pedicel.
Seeds: Elongate pear-shaped, 0.63-0.85 mm long.
Chromosome number: 2n = 18


Cheiridopsis excavata (llifle.com)

