반에셀틴꽃사과식물/들꽃-장미과(Rosaceae) 2017. 7. 8. 10:18
당나라 현종이 봄 정취를 즐기기 위해 양귀비를 불렀을 때 양귀비가 술에 취한 얼굴로 나왔는데 이를 보고 현종이 아직 술에 취해 있느냐고 묻자 양귀비가 대답하기를 ‘해당미수각’(海棠未睡覺), 즉 ‘잠이 덜 깬 꽃사과’라고 대답했다고 전해진다. 여기서 ‘해당’이란 해당화를 의미하는 것이 아니고 ‘꽃사과’를 뜻하는 말이다 속명 말루스(Malus)는 사과를 뜻하는 그리스어 말론(malon)이 어원이며, 종명 프루니폴리아(prunifolia)는 벚꽃나무의 잎과 비슷해 붙여진 이름이다.
꽃사과는 중국이 원산이며 사과나무와 아그배나무의 교잡종으로 9월에서 11월경 열매를 맺는 수종이다.특히 4월경에 피는 꽃은 우산 모양으로 연분홍색, 흰색, 붉은색 등을 띠고 있으며 가을에는 빨간 열매가 조롱조롱 달리는데 지름 1cm 정도의 작은 사과로 열매가 꽃 못지않게 아름다운 수목이다.
Malus 'Van Eseltine'
Malus ioensis ‘flora-plena’-꽃잎 밖-옅은 분홍 .꽃잎 안-흰
Malus 'Klehms Improved Bechtel'-분흰
Malus 'Scarlet Brandywine'-분홍겹꽃
Malus ioensis-흰겹꽃
Malus 'Branzam'-꽃잎 밖-분홍 .꽃잎 안-흰
Malus 'Snowcloud'-꽃잎 밖-분홍 .꽃잎 안-흰-꽃잎 좁다.
MALUS coronaria Charlottae-옅은 분홍
Malus Hybride Charlottae-흰겹꽃
Malus 'Van Eseltine'
'Van Eseltine' is an upright tree with glossy foliage and red buds opening to pink, double flowers, followed by small, red-tinged yellow fruits
A upright crabapple tree that becomes broadly column-like, 'Van Eseltine' boasts double pinish white flowers in spring followed sometimes by blushed yellow fruits by autumn. This hybrid deciduous tree has green oval leaves that emerge as the rose-red flower buds open in mid-spring. The medium pink flowers are fragant and attract bees and can become nearly white. Blossoms are doubled (having extra petals). In autumn the leaves turn yellow and accentuate any sporadic small yellow fruits with orange blush. Fruit production is uneven or scarce, and is more noticeable in alternate years.
Plant Van Eseltine crabapple in full sun on any moderately fertile, deep, well-drained soil that is moist throughout the growing season. Avoid highly alkaline ground. Although this crabapple tolerates some drought, this tree will look stressed or even shabby unless watered during prolonged dry periods. It is not well-suited to long, humid, wet summers, cool maritime climates, or the heat and dryness of low deserts. It needs a long period of cold in winter to flower fully in spring. Use this ornamental tree as an upright specimen in a narrow-spaced lawn or foundation bed, as a small street tree, informal hedgerow or as Y-shaped espalier. The fruits, if enough can be gathered, may be made into tasty preserves.
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