훈키아나틸란드시아식물/들꽃-파인애플과(Bromeliaceae) 2017. 7. 7. 15:46
국표에는 없다.
Tillandsia funckiana is a species in the genus Tillandsia. This species is native to Venezuela.
Tillandsia funckiana is an absolute must have in anyone’s collection. It originates from Central America, namely Venezuala, but I could not find any further detailed information on their actual habitat. Funckiana is a smallish plant, with silvery grey pine needle-like leaves growing along a stem. Individual plants look very delicate and graceful, but if you manage to grow this into a clump it looks absolutely spectacular (do a google search if you don’t believe me)!
Funckiana like many of the other species of airplants has its own look and method of growth while still requiring the same exact care as the other tillys. This is part of what makes growing airplants so much fun, you can have different plants that each grow their own way, while following the same general care for all of them.Funckiana form a long stem as they grow upwards towards their light source. These plants will often split off and form new plants over time, giving it a hydra type look. Their leaves are small pine like needles and grow in uniform. They produce these awesome chili pepper looking buds that flower for several days. After flowering be sure to clean off the dead matter at the tip and eventually new heads will sprout out from along the stem of the plant. If left to form a specimen, these plants will become huge monsters in a few years.http://predatorygardening.com/funckiana/'식물 > 들꽃-파인애플과(Bromeliaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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