Desmodium sp.식물/들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae) 2022. 12. 27. 17:33
국표에는 Desmodium (된장풀속)이 41종이다.
자생식물 정명 Desmodium caudatum (Thunb.) DC. 된장풀 2022/03/28 자생식물 정명 Desmodium heterocarpon (L.) DC. 잔디갈고리 2022/03/28 재배식물 정명 Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. 캐나다된장풀 2011/12/08 외래식물 정명 Desmodium paniculatum (L.) DC. 미국잔디갈고리 2022/03/28 정명인 것은 4종 뿐이다.
Desmodium is a genus of plants in the legume family Fabaceae, sometimes called tick-trefoil, tick clover, hitch hikers or beggar lice. There are dozens of species and the delimitation of the genus has shifted much over time.
These are mostly inconspicuous plants; few have bright or large flowers. Though some can become sizeable plants, most are herbs or small shrubs. Their fruit are loments, meaning each seed is dispersed individually enclosed in its segment. This makes them tenacious plants and some species are considered weeds in places. They have a variety of uses.
Selected species
Main article: List of Desmodium speciesSpecies include:
- Desmodium acanthocladum F.Muell.Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. – showy tick-trefoil, Canadian tick-trefoil
- Desmodium canescens (L.) DC. – hoary tick-trefoil Desmodium ciliare (Muhl.) DC. – hairy small-leaved tick-trefoil
- Desmodium cuspidatum (Muhl.) Loudon – toothed tick-trefoil, large-bracted tick-trefoil Desmodium glabellum (Michx.) DC. Desmodium heterocarpon (Michx.) DC. – Asian tick-trefoil Desmodium × humifusum (Muhl. ex Bigelow) Beck Desmodium illinoense A.Gray – Illinois tick-trefoil Desmodium incanum (Sw.) DC. – creeping beggarweed, Spanish tick-trefoil, Kaimi clover Desmodium intortum Greenleaf desmodium, kuru vine, beggarlice, tick clovers Desmodium lineatum (Michx.) DC. – linear-leaved tick-trefoil Desmodium marilandicum (L.) DC. – smooth small-leaved tick-trefoil Desmodium ospriostreblum Chiov. Desmodium paniculatum (L.) DC. – panicled tick-trefoil Desmodium perplexum B.G.Schub. – perplexed tick-trefoil Desmodium rhytidophyllum F.Muell. ex Benth.
- Desmodium rotundifolium DC. – round-leaved tick-trefoil, dollar leaf Desmodium triflorum (L.) DC. Desmodium tweedyi Britton – Tweedy's tick-trefoil Desmodium uncinatum (Jacq.) DC.– silver-leaved tick-trefoil, silverleaf
- Desmodium varians (Labill.) G.Don
된醬풀두자초(豆子草), 점의자(粘衣刺), 미초(味草)
청주항(淸酒缸)·청주홍(淸酒紅)·소괴화(小塊花 )·쉬풀·털도둑놈의갈고리라고도 한다. 줄기는 초본처럼 여러 갈래로 갈라져 자라는데 가지는 가늘고 길다. 나무껍질은 흑갈색이다. 전체에 털이 있다. 줄기나 잎을 된장에 넣으면 구더기가 생기지 않기 때문에 된장풀이라는 이름이 붙었다. 관상용·사료용·약용으로 이용된다. 온포기를 미증초·청주항이라 하고 뿌리를 미증초근·청주항근이라 하며 약재로 사용한다. 약으로 쓸 때는 탕으로 하여 사용한다. 외상에는 달인 물로 씻거나 가루를 내서 개어 붙이거나 짓이겨 붙인다.'식물 > 들꽃-콩과(Fabaceae)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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